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This Isn't Easy (Volume I)

A little while back, we got the idea that it would be fun and challenging to recast some Steely Dan tunes in a more “acoustic”, less-produced environment, and inject them with our Incroyable sound (whatever that is). This was partly because it would be a fool’s errand to attempt exact, note-for-note recreations of Steely Dan’s surgically precise masterworks impeccably recorded by legendary engineer Roger Nichols in the finest studios in the country and performed by the best studio musicians in the world.


We strive to produce quality work, but our goal has never been surgical perfection. We’re ok with a minor clam here and there as long as the performance feels right. That said, we also have our foolish pride. We refuse to use electronic or digital correction of any kind. If you sing it or play it wrong, you have to do it over until you get it right. That’s the rule and it is strictly enforced. Old fashioned?  No doubt


We have given this project the tongue-in-cheek working title “This Isn’t Easy”, and it isn't, but it sure is fun. We have learned so much in the process of deconstructing these intricately crafted, amazing tunes and putting them back together our way.

As far as song choice goes, it has been our custom since our very first band to deliberately stay away from the the radio hits that most bands would typically play and focus instead on deep album cuts that were particular favorites of ours, and that thinking was naturally applied to this project.


Our work flow evolved into getting together at Joe’s place at least every other week, learning a tune together and getting a satisfactory take of the basic tracks- two acoustic guitars and piano- playing the song together from start to finish to maintain an authentic “live” vibe. We would flesh the song out in subsequent sessions until it was done, and then decide on and begin the next one. 

We share production duties equally. Here’s how it works: which ever one of us is attempting to record a take must submit to the unquestionable, merciless, ego-shredding and often hysterical judgement and authority of the other two. Session after session, each one of us puts on his big boy pants and takes his turn in the barrel. There is no escape.

For this project, we would record a few Steely Dan tunes and then take a break to “cleanse the pallet” as it were, by recording great tunes by some of our most admired musicians.  Songs by Bruce Hornsby, Todd Rundgren, the Beatles and Marshall Crenshaw are represented in this first batch of recordings. For those of you who are old enough to remember and appreciate album liner notes, we have included a track-by-track break down of who played what so you can geek-out while listening if you'd like.

The recordings on this site are being delivered to you in lossless 44.1/16 CD quality stereo sound.  (We have a strict NO Mp3 policy!}  For you audiophiles out there, 48/24 Hi Rez master files are available by request. 


Enjoy, and turn it up!


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